Sunday, March 28, 2010

The future is as bright as your faith

What a month...
What a semester...

Things sure have been crazy and busy! February was a difficult decision making month filled with a ton of prayer, fasting and tears. But decisions have been made, especially the BIG one. Which, of course, is where I'm moving after graduation. Well, that and what I wanted to do for senior art show.
This month has been pretty crazy. Decisions lead to more decisions, which leads to more decisions.
Decision 1) Move to Charlotte
Decision 2) Where to apply for jobs
Decision 3) Where to live

So with Decision 1 comes 2 and 3. So this month has been full of figuring out where to live and where to work. These things have NOT been figured out. But I'm hoping to move the 1st week in May. We shall see how that goes...

Other occurrences in March:
- Started working on Senior show.
- Stressed over senior show, and everything to go with it
- Forgot about other classes because of my focus on senior show
- SPRING BREAK with KIMBERLY! and lots and lots of driving
- Got extremely sick (probably Mono) and was literally IN bed for about 4 days. Kim got me sick.
- Lost weight due to illness
- Lost senior show time due to illness, which means I am EXTREMELY behind
- Mom and Dad came to visit :)

Looking back at last year and this year, I've realized that the last 2 years have been difficult in regards to making decisions, enduring to the end, and spiritual growth. Even in the last 2 months I've felt that I've learned so much spiritually, and emotionally.
Recently I had a little bit of an epiphany brought on by a very simple comment from a friend. I realized that I needed to sort out my priorities, and that I needed to have a more Christ-centered life and to exercise my faith more. And be more positive, hence the quote by President Monson as my title.

The future is as bright as your faith

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