Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seeing Black

Wow... it's my LAST SEMESTER of my undergraduate career. How exciting is that!? VERY

So here's the big things that I need to accomplish this semester:
1) Senior Art Show
2) Senior/Advanced Paper
3) Book of Mormon 1 (Independent Study)
4) Book of Mormon 2 (I need both to graduate from institute. Woo hoo!)
5) Pass all of my classes with a B or higher :) (Ok, so that's more of a goal than anything)

Can you guess which one is BIG(not including graduation)!? Well if you can't... it's the Art show. We had our first meeting yesterday and it was so scary, but SO EXCITING at the same time! Prof Crawford asked us what we wanted to get out of Senior show and when we went around the room I said that I wanted to push myself and do something that will make me grow in a lot of ways. Which means that I need to be confident in my ability and to not be afraid of the unknown. Crawford told me I just need to "Jump off a cliff and fly." I think I'm going to have a running start...

Senior Art show will be in almost exactly 3 months. It will open in April and end after graduation. All I know is that I will be doing books of some kind. I also want to incorporate printmaking into it. So I have a chosen medium, I just need some inspiration! So whenever I think of something, or hear a song that becomes visual for me, I write it down. I'm starting a Senior Art journal of sorts. She wants us to write al of our thoughts about everything down. Of course I also need to sketch and such, so I need a nice large sketchbook to go with it.

The only thing about art and taking art classes is that I tend to get some of the best ideas when I'm trying to sleep. But does that really help me in regards to rest? No, not really. So I've decided that I need to buy a bedside lamp and keep my journal there or else it will take 2 hours before I fall asleep at night. I figure if it's a great idea I may as well write it all down and draw it while it's fresh in my mind.

Lately I've been up late thinking about printmaking and monotypes (which are the kind of prints we are working on at the moment). Today was our first day of work. I haven't taken printmaking since my FRESHMAN year here at SVU! So it's been about 3-4 years. I think it went fairly well. except for teh part where my fingers and hands got ink all over them! HAHA! Hence I'm seeing black. It seems like the black fingers are BACK! Honestly? I'm so excited for printmaking! I always enjoyed it (although I wasn't very good at it back then... Or at least my skills have improved since then), hence I'm makking it part of my senior show.

I know this is essentially all about art, but art is life. What can I say? Art is everywhere! It's in movies, the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on, the books we read, the music we listen to and every sign or logo you see? Yep. that's all art. Isn't art wonderful? God really is the master artist. I don't think there's anything more beautiful than this Earth. The other day I saw the most breath-taking sunset and I just thought "Wow. God is amazing." Because He is! He is the master creator, and because of that he gives us all the ability to create :)

I would show you an example of a monotype, but I don't want to post something that's copyrighted. So I might have to add one of mine. Eventually. But for now here's a random picture of me from Christmas '09 where I'm painting a picture :) haha well, trying to anyway.

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